Friday, January 9, 2009

Learning Chinese

Before my first trip to China I dappled at learning the language. I went through a few levels of a Rosetta Stone program and listened to a few movies in Chinese. I didn't make much progress but I could recognize a few sounds and say "Ni Hao" - Hello and "XieXie"-Thank you. When Drury offered Mandarin I, I enrolled and improved, however, I was not ready for Mandarin II. So, discouraged I gave up. Now with another trip on the horizon, I'm back at the Rosetta Stone program. The language provides so much information about the culture.

One thing I remember from my Mandarin teacher was the idea of location. In the US, when we give location we usually start with the spot we are located and then expand out - 100 E Breech, Drury University, Springfield, MO, USA - in China it is the reverse - USA, Springfield, MO, Drury University, 100 E Breech. Knowing that one piece of information illustrates Hofstede's cultural dimension of individualism vs collectivism. In the US, it is about the individual and then expands to the larger. In China, it is about the group you belong to and then works down to the individual. Learning the language appears to be a crucial part of understanding the culture.

Many free sites for learning some Chinese popped up on the Internet as people prepared to travel for the Olympics. Easy Chinese is one site that is helpful. Check it out at:

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