There will be lots of fun and exciting experiences in China and then there will be some that are not!
While your hotel bathroom will have an American toliet, somewhere along the way you will probably encounter the squat toliet. Packing a few kleenex in your pocket will be a good thing!
Food could also be another issue. The hotel has a western breakfast, along with a variety of international dishes. You can start your day off in a traditional style. However, we will be eating Chinese when out with the group and I don't mean Cashew Chicken. Remember we are preparing for what would be expected if we were doing business in China. At a business dinner you would be expected to try the various dishes, give it a try on our trip. One good thing is Chinese custom is to leave food on your plate, therefore if you don't like it you can leave it. The group last year always found something to eat at every meal, but any time they had free choice they headed for an American stand - McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Subway, Outback, and Pizza Hut. I was really surprised that in a week they were already desperate to come home and eat American food. It may be everything else was overwhelming and the familiar food gave them comfort. I would encourage you to explore, I guarantee McDonald's will still be here when you get back. If you want to pack as much into the trip as possible you may not want to stop for a full meal in the evenings. I carry a bar in my pocket, take a bite now and then, and when I get back after shopping in the evening relax in the hotel sitting area with a drink and a snack.
Sleep may be difficult. Really try and stay up the first evening to get on track. Our first day out will have some sightseeing, again to make us tired and help us adjust. If you rush home from the day of sightseeing and go to bed at 4 in the afternoon you will be up all night. Take a 15 minute cat nap if you have to, but, it is one week, when will you be in Beijing again. Try and sleep when you can, but you have a long plane ride home to catch up.
We are in a strange city, so we need to keep track of each other. Try and take your roommate with you. If you have to go out on your own, at least leave a note in your room as to where you went. (I'm not much of a sleeper and I'm always ready to go, so ask me, I'll go with you.) On our first trip, last morning I went to the shopping district by myself. I tripped and sprained my ankle. I hobbled to the pharmacy and got a compression bandage, but I could have broken my ankle and been in a difficult situation. Not a smart thing to do on my part. Learn from my mistake.